Die JPEG-Aufnahmen haben insbesondere bei hohen ISO-Aufnahmen Probleme mit Detailverlust durch eine sich zu stark auswirkende Rauschunterdrückung
bei guten lichtverhältnissen ist diese kamera top, vielleicht auch die beste erhältliche - aber ich, und diesen ruf hört man überall her, bin nicht bereit auf ein gutes rauschverhalten zu verzichten.With tiny, high pixel count chips noise is always going to be an issue, and to a large degree this is more a test of the effectiveness (both measurable and visible) of a camera's noise reduction system. Designers have to balance the desire to produce smooth, clean results with the need to retain as much detail as possible (if you blur away the noise, you blur away image detail too).
It's interesting to compare the FZ50 (with it's Venus III engine) and its predecessor the FZ30. Noise is visibly lower, but you're sacrificing even more detail, producing results that - though very clean and smooth - are actually softer looking and less detailed, despite the extra two million pixels. As our studio shot shows, with good light and fairly contrasty detail, detail is actually fairly well preserved even at ISO 400 (the luminance NR is quite low), but once you get low contrast fine detail you can see the effect of the heavy chroma NR even at ISO 100.
fujifilm s6500fd:
fehlenden tele kann man übrigens, ganz im gegensatz zu fehlendem weitwinkel, durch auschnittsvergrößerungen kompensieren - und beides durch konverterAs we saw with the F30 the noise advantage of the S6000fd is greatest in the middle of the ISO range. Few cameras have a significant noise problem at 'base' ISO (the lowest setting), and the differences between all most of them is minimal. But most small CCD cameras start to suffer from the problems of noise - and more importantly the destructive effect of noise reduction - once you get to ISO 200 or 400. Here the latest incarnation of Fuji's Super CCD sensor really shines, with ISO 400 and 800 - though still showing evidence of noise reduction - considerably better than any conventional CCD competitor.
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